Yep it has been a while since my last entry. Remember I was excited about exhibiting in “The Other Art Fair” in Melbourne in May this year? Well, I can’t say that it went as I had hoped and must admit that I regret spending my hard earned money on what amounted to a very expensive marketing exercise. (I should have listened to my mum who suggested I spend the money on a TESOL English teaching certificate course instead!) Regrets, I know they are useless feelings but we still have them right? The word exists for a reason. In any case, whether this expensive marketing exercise has been successful or not is still on the cards. Apparently exciting results can unfold long after the event so I must wait and see. Speaking of cards, I handed out many at the fair, so many.. surely something will come out of this?
Ok, so good things did happen and I certainly don’t regret the experience..just the expense. But it’s only money. So, on the positive side, I got to hang out with some lovely artists, made some new friends, swapped some artworks and chatted happily with many people. In addition, I was delighted to meet “Boom” gallery directors Ren Inei and Kate Jacoby, who were both super friendly and enthusiastic about my work. I have subsequently sent 2 large and 4 smaller works to their gallery in Geelong, Victoria, for an exhibition that opens on August 17th. I am excited about this exhibition opportunity and yes, definitely a happy art fair outcome. Heres the invite.

#painting #KirstenPerry #artfineart #animalhumanrelationships #DylanFoley #collage #Boomgallery #ArtFairs #Geelong #anthropomorphic #theotherartfair #illustration #Geelonggallery #watercolour #mixedmedia #PetaArmstrong #claudejones #exhibitions #CultureandAnimals #ColleenGuiney #animalillustration #worksonpaper #animalart #JulienPacaud #drawing