I have now finished a set of small works on canvas 25 x 25 cm each. Some of these will be included in solo exhibition at Nopx Gallery in Turin next February. http://www.nopx.it/ABOUT.html
There will also be drawings and sculptures. All the works will be smallish as the gallery is not huge. One of the conditions of exhibition is that I produce an artist book edition and I have a plan in mind already – Book-cages! Just need to get to the flea markets one weekend soon to buy some old books, then need some flexible cane, wire and of course, my old favourite material – paper mache…
Anyway here are the canvas works..
claude jones_chainsaw massacre_2012_mixed media on canvas_25x25cm
claude jones_the innocents_2012_mixed media on canvas_25x25cm
claude jones_deer to defend_2012_mixed media on canvas_25x25cm
claude jones_deer to me_2012_mixed media on canvas_25x25cm
claude jones_deerception_2012_mixed media on canvas_25x25cm
claude jones_run deer run_2012_mixed media on canvas_25x25cm
claude jones_the innocents 2_2012_mixed media on canvas_25x25cm