Thanks to all who came along to Art Est last Saturday. It was a fun afternoon and I caught up with some people I haven’t seen in ages! I had a mixture of older and newer works on display as you can see in the photos. Also included in the main room are James Blackwell’s exquisite little pot / vase like formations – incredibly made primarily from paper. They look deceptively like ceramics! In the background is an incredibly detailed cut out paper work – my favourite piece in the show, by Nicola Moss. The exhibition is on until the end of the month so theres still plenty of time to check it out.

Scientia at Art Est, Claude Jones, screen prints and collages, Photo by Lisa Woolfe

Scientia at Art Est, Claude Jones “Corpus coops” sculptures, Photo by Lisa Woolfe

Scientia at Art Est, Installation shot, James Blackwell, Nicola Moss, Claude Jones, Photo by Lisa Woolfe