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Grants, art prize and exhibiting in NZ at last!
A few months have passed without any art news updates to feed my blog. Let me see … I have been travelling – Austria, Ireland and Texas,...

Return to Sydney and The Other Art Fair Melbourne
The engine jets were humming away, the vents were blowing super cold air, it was dark around me as most were sleeping or watching their...

Bully – an assessment
Bully exhibition ( install), Artereal gallery, Sydney, Dec 2016. Photo by Zan Wimberley Whilst it was definitely odd not being present at...

Oh “Bully”, I wont be there!
Claude Jones, “Bullie”s, 2015, mixed media on paper, 85 x 141 cm My new exhibition “Bully” opens this Wednesday 7th December at Artereal...

A catalogue of recent Works
Claude Jone, Hare-brain (detail), 2016, Catalogue cover, Claude Jones: recent works 2 I have finally completed a 23-page colour catalogue...

“Bully”- thoughts on my upcoming exhibition
Claude Jones, Bully, 2016, drawing and collage on paper, 15.5 x 15.5 cm With my solo exhibition at Artereal Gallery coming up in...

Exhibition news
I am very happy to announce that I have a solo exhibition at Artereal gallery in Sydney, December 6 – 28. Still coming up with a...

Finalist in Corangamarah art prize
Claude Jones, Dirty Laundry, 2016, mixed media on paper, 79 x 117 cm A new work, “Dirty laundry” is one of 26 finalist works to be...

2016 National Works on Paper
Claude Jones, Hare Brain, 2016, mixed media on paper, 92 x 143.5 cm I was jumping about with excitement when I recieved an email...

New work in Artereal anniversary exhibition
On the 6th of April Artereal gallery opened their doors to the 2nd chapter of their 10-year anniversary exhibitions. These group...

Back in Munich studio
I have settled back into my Munich home studio now after spending March in the Sydney studio, working with the Peculiar Annes on out...
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