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A catalogue of recent Works
Claude Jone, Hare-brain (detail), 2016, Catalogue cover, Claude Jones: recent works 2 I have finally completed a 23-page colour catalogue...

“Is it fair?” – Animal Fanfair essay
Claude Jones, Monkey tricks, 2011, mixed media on canvas, 138.5 x 128.5 cm The touring exhibition “AnimalFanfair”, which features the...

“Bully”- thoughts on my upcoming exhibition
Claude Jones, Bully, 2016, drawing and collage on paper, 15.5 x 15.5 cm With my solo exhibition at Artereal Gallery coming up in...
Moral Schizophrenia
In our relationship to other animals, humans have established a culture of contradiction and denial, exhibiting what professor Gary...
Minding Animals Conference Utrecht July 3 – 6
This was my first conference and I found it such a stimulating and thought provoking experience that I know i will be attending many more...
Quotes by brilliant people
Animal factories are one more sign of the extent to which our technological capacities have advanced faster than our ethics. -Peter...
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